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When Does AI Fly or Die?

Like many emerging technologies, AI is being thrown against several walls to see if it sticks. The result is some fitting applications and some that

Do SMBs Utilize the Full Capabilities of SaaS?

Benchmark Bytes is a series that examines Localogy’s original data on SMB tech deployment. Based on its recent Small Business Trends report, each installment drills down on a data excerpt and draws out meaning for Localogy Insider readers.

Intuit Wants AI to Do Your Taxes

It was only a matter of time. As AI continues to reach into every corner of the business and tech worlds, the latest conquest is SMB accounting and financial software., Intuit has integrated a conversational AI agent into its ubiquitous suite. 

SMB Reputation Management

Food Delivery Follows AI’s Herd Mentality

AI continues to expand as its herd mentality drives nearly every corner of the tech world toward the shiny new thing. The latest subsector sprinting toward AI is the local on-demand economy. We examine a few examples.

Shopify Offers Amazon’s ‘Buy With Prime’

In a surprise move, Shopify will now offer its merchants the opportunity to integrate Amazon’s ‘Buy with Prime.’ This is Amazon’s program that lets merchants outside of tap into its payment processing, shipping, and returns functions. 

How Do SMBs Benefit from SaaS Products?

Benchmark Bytes is a series that examines Localogy’s original data on SMB tech deployment. Based on its recent Small Business Trends report, each installment drills down on a data excerpt and draws out meaning for Localogy Insider readers.

Do Average Folks Care About ChatGPT?

One key question around any emerging tech is if average folks are using it… or even care about it. The latest subjects are generative and conversational AI. New research from Pew sheds some light on this question.

Starbucks Goes Scanless

The latest in contactless checkout has arrived, and it could stick given its influential adopter: Starbucks. The coffee giant has begun to roll out what it calls “Scanless Checkout,” which goes a step further in reducing transactional friction.

Yelp Reports Record U.S. New Business Openings

Yelp reports in its New Business Openings Report that the first half of 2023 saw a record number of SMBs open in the U.S. – a strong health indicator for the U.S. economy.

How Do SMBs Find SaaS Products?

Benchmark Bytes is a series that examines Localogy’s original data on SMB tech deployment. Based on its recent Small Business Trends report, each installment drills down on a data excerpt and draws out meaning for Localogy Insider readers.

Who’s Most Impacted in the Streaming Age?

New insights from Wells Fargo Securities paint a picture of the high stakes and impacted parties from cord-cutting. Specifically, it reports that local TV station groups – as opposed to major cable operators – could bleed the most.

As Instagram Retreats, TikTok Emerges As a Shopping Destination

Is TikTok Moving into Search Marketing?

TikTok is getting into paid search. Known as “Search Ads Toggle,” the new program offers a paid search option for brand marketers to get in front of TikTok users for the first time.

Amazon's TikTok-Like 'Inspire' Launches

Amazon Amps Up its ‘Inspire’ Feed

Amazon is showing signs that it wants to accelerate engagement around its new Inspire feed – its scrolling content feed that contains TikTok-style short videos that showcase Amazon-sold products.

Basis Technologies Uses CRM Data to Engage Customers Across Any Device

What Features Attract SMBs to SaaS?

Benchmark Bytes is a series that examines Localogy’s original data on SMB tech deployment. Based on its recent Small Business Trends report, each installment drills down on a data excerpt and draws out meaning for Localogy Insider readers.

Streaming TV Crosses the Chasm

This month, cable and broadcast channels dipped below 50 percent of U.S. viewers for the first time according to Nielsen. It’s a practical and symbolic loss for linear TV and a big win for streaming.

Will AI Take Over Local Business Reviews?

Amidst a wave of excitement around the generative and conversational AI, the tech and media words continue to reach around and speculate it applies to their products. Now the latest area of applicability has emerged: reviews.

Is Cortana the Latest Casualty of Conversational AI?

Microsoft has decided to kill off its legacy AI assistant, Cortana, effective this month. In terms of integration and investment, it will be replaced by Bing Chat, which is based on ChatGPT and lives in several Microsoft products.

Office workers and laptop

How Quickly Do SMBs Plan to Adopt SaaS?

Benchmark Bytes is a series that examines Localogy’s original data on SMB tech deployment. Based on its recent Small Business Trends report, each installment drills down on a data excerpt and draws out meaning for Localogy Insider readers.

Apple: A Lesson in Big-Tech Revenue Diversification

After a decade and a half of runaway growth, global ubiquity, massive revenues, and planet-scale value creation, the iPhone has matured. So how do you keep satisfying massive growth requirements? Adjacent markets.

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