What Features Attract SMBs to SaaS?

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As part of the ritual of examining local commerce and SMB Saas strategies, Localogy goes right to the source: SMBs themselves. How do they feel about marketing and operational software? What features do they want? And how has their hunger changed in a pandemic? This is all a moving target.

Localogy’s Modern Commerce Monitor (MCM) answers these and other questions across the SMB SaaS product set, which we preview in this Benchmark Bytes series. And we recently entered a new chapter of this series, with highlights from the latest wave (8.0) of Modern Commerce Monitor.

After examining the timing of SMB SaaS adoption last week, we switch gears this week to examine their reasons for adopting. What are the advantages of SMB SaaS that resonate most and what specific product qualities drive their adoption decisions? These are key factors for SaaS vendors to examine.

SMB SaaS Use and Purchase Trends, April 2023

Data Dive

– The leading driver for SMBs’ aspirational SaaS adoption (57 percent) is that a given product has more features and capabilities than a previously-used product or operational method.

– This represents a “back to basics” sentiment for SMBs: product capability and features are foundational and critical.

– The second highest-rated reason for SMB SaaS adoption (52 percent) is efficiency and saving time

– This stands to reason as time is one of the biggest scarcities for SMBs.

– Simplicity and user-friendliness came in third place at 22 percent.

– This likewise stands to reason as SMBs are famously tech-averse, so simple and user-friendly UX design is the name of the game.

– Further down the list are factors such as friend recommendations (16 percent), cost relative to previous methods (11 percent), mobile/app access (12 percent), and security (6 percent).

– All the above is important for SMB SaaS players to recognize SMB preferences and demand signals. Product development can accordingly work towards those targets.

– This is particularly important because of a takeaway in a previous Benchmark Bytes installment: overall industry growth is maturing so growth for any one player will increasingly come from zero-sum market share gains.

– That means competition will heat up and the name of the game will be product differentiation. And that in turn should take the above SMB demand signals to heart.

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Long-Tail Opportunity

Stepping back, SMB online marketing – as well as operational and fintech tools – continues to grow rapidly.  SMB SaaS startups and online services providers are correspondingly thriving as it continues to grow as a leading subsector of the broader SaaS universe. There’s a long-tail opportunity at play.

Meanwhile, new SMB SaaS users could represent permanent adopters – a concept that accelerated in the Covid era as SMBs were forced into digital transformation. This sent them into the arms of SaaS providers (where many have stayed) to accomplish a range of marketing and operational functions.

We’ll return in the next installment to go deeper into Localogy original survey research. That will include SMB goals and success factors. Let us know what additional insights jump out at you from the above data, and stay tuned for more breakdowns in our Benchmark Bytes series.

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