LSA Members in the News 2/16/15: YP, xAd, ReachLocal

Here is a roundup of the articles featuring news or announcements related to LSA members. If you’re an LSA member and want to be featured in coming editions of this post, email us. If you’re not a member, click here to learn more about LSA Membership.

YP Launches Celebrity Anchored Campaign #MakeEveryDayLocal (February 19, 2015)
LSA Insider: “YP is the probably lone US traditional-digital local search provider to continue invest in its consumer-facing brand at any level of visibility or scale. The company has launched a number of brand-related campaigns and continues to evolve its messaging . . . Today the company launched a new campaign (#MakeEveryDayLocal) with a focus on social media, anchored by celebrities and local ‘influencers.’ Celebrities will appear in short ‘documentary style [videos] talking about their favorite hometown businesses.’”

LSA Members in the Business of Local: xAd (February 19, 2015)
LSA Insider: “xAd helps brands harness the power of accurate location data to produce measurable results from mobile advertising. Through award-winning location technology that is precise, measurable and scalable, xAd’s platform pinpoints target audiences by neighborhood, across the country and around the globe at pivotal moments during the consumers’ path-to-purchase . . . Whether you’re a global organization, national chain, regional franchisee or a mom and pop storefront, xAd’s technology allows you to leverage mobile data and location technology to drive real world results.”

Berry/LocalVox Sponsor Great Aloha Run Stadium Party (February 18, 2015)
Press Release: “The Berry Company, LLC along with LocalVox Media, celebrated the Great Aloha Run this week with entertainment, prize giveaways, the High School Fitness Challenge and a high school cheering contest . . . ‘Berry is proud to sponsor the Great Aloha Run Stadium Party and an organization that truly makes an impact in the communities in which we live and work,’ said John Lambert, regional director for The Berry Company.”

How YP Plans to Move Beyond the Review (February 18, 2015)
Street Fight: “Changes to Google’s algorithm and the growth of Yelp as a public company has left competitors struggling to break through to consumers and compete with the well-known brands. But that may be changing. The ubiquity of mobile has started to open new opportunities for innovation in local search and the success of local commerce applications could provide the killer app needed for competitors such as YP to break through the top two. We recently caught up with Darren Clark, chief technology officer at YP, to talk about the changes in the local search market.”

ReachLocal CEO Sharon Rowlands to Be Featured Speaker at Borrell Local Online Advertising Conference (February 17, 2015)
Press Release: “ReachLocal Inc., a leader in powering online marketing for local businesses, announced today that its CEO, Sharon Rowlands, will be a featured speaker at an upcoming conference in New York City: Borrell Local Online Advertising Conference to be held March 2-3. Ms. Rowlands’ speech, ‘ReachLocal: Retooled, Reset and Ready for 2015’ will focus on the challenges the local online marketing company faced in the past year, and the steps it is taking to transform the organization. An expert at reshaping companies, Ms. Rowlands will describe how she views the new, uber-competitive digital marketplace, and what it takes to compete and lead in the industry.”

Milestone Internet Marketing Webinar: Local Marketing Trends & Strategies for 2015 (February 16, 2015)
LSA Insider: “Milestone Internet Marketing’s webinar last week discussed some of the key digital marketing trends expected to impact the local space this year.  The discussion centered around six main components: mobile presence, local presence, social presence, content marketing, paid search and the overall customer journey . . . The webinar showed just how fluid and ever-changing the space is, which suggested a need for marketers to be willing to adjust strategies at a moment’s notice.”

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