Mobile Search to Overtake PC’s in 2 years – Is Your Mobile Marketing Strategy Ready?

We all know mobile use is growing – but do you realize phones will soon be the main device used for search?  At its current pace, mobile phone use for internet search will overtake PC use in 2 years according to LSA’s 2014 Local Media Tracking Study.  That is sometime in 2016.  And a majority of Americans will use a smart phone for search this year.  Those numbers don’t even include tablet use.

It is time to review your mobile strategy to make sure your business isn’t left behind.  Or, if you don’t have a mobile strategy, it is time to get on board.

I explore in my Search Engine Land column this month 10 trends and 10 takeaways to consider in developing a winning mobile marketing strategy.  For instance, most users are now receptive to receiving mobile ads – but the most effective ads are those that drive action.

Check out all the charts and the latest data in the article.

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