Webinar: Local Marketing Trends & Strategies for 2015

Milestone Internet Marketing’s webinar last week discussed some of the key digital marketing trends expected to impact the local space this year.  The discussion centered around six main components: mobile presence, local presence, social presence, content marketing, paid search and the overall customer journey.

In addition to highlighting some best practices, Mike and Vandana of Milestone explored how recent Google activity is impacting the space. From the Pigeon update, to the emphasis now being placed on mobile-friendly sites, the webinar showed just how fluid and ever-changing the space is, which suggested a need for marketers to be willing to adjust strategies at a moment’s notice.

Here are some of the highlights from each portion of the webinar:

  • Mobile Presence: 3 out of 5 consumers are using mobile to conduct local searches;
  • Local Presence: The main components of any local presence include core listings and quality citations, the mobile experience, on-page SEO tactics, off-page directory sites and search engines;
  • Social Presence: 52% of online adults now use two or more social media sites;
  • Content Marketing: Keys to content marketing are local optimization, engaging content, mobile marketing, multichannel saturation and trending topics;
  • Paid Search: Focus on target audience, test ad message by strategy and by device, and strategically create ad message;
  • Customer Journey: Understanding the customer journey is critical in developing and optimizing any marketing strategy. Google created a tool that helps do that.

Check out the entire webinar below:

For access to all of our past webinars and a look at what’s to come, visit https://bit.ly/LSAwebinars.

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