Study: Tire Dealers See Strong Mobile Display Ad Performance

According to data from LSA Insights, the Local Search Association’s new local media performance and planning tool, tire dealers are seeing almost 3X the click-through rate on mobile display ads as compared to the industry benchmark.  More importantly, the secondary action rate (SAR) for tire dealer campaigns is about 20% higher than the benchmark.

These findings are based on data from 1053 mobile display ad campaigns executed between February and September 2014. In total, the mobile module of the LSA Insights database houses over 150,000 mobile display campaigns across hundreds of categories and data from anonymized sources are added regularly.


When looking at the tire dealer CTR over time, we see performance peaks in September and February. It is likely that there is a correlation between these peaks and winter weather conditions. Consumers are likely preparing their cars for the winter months in September and responding to some of the wear and tear caused by winter in February.

Much like the information seen here for tire dealers, today we uploaded 25 new category specific mobile display performance reports on LSA Insights. The charts seen in this post are featured in each of the reports as well as the number of studies and advertisers for the category, projected profit, projected ROI, and data from each individual campaign featured for that business category.

Of the 25 new reports, here are just a few of the featured business categories:

  • Attorneys
  • Automobile Dealers
  • Banks
  • Dentists
  • Grocers – Retail
  • Hospitals
  • Moving & Movers
  • Pharmacies or Drugstores
  • Plumbing Contractors
  • Restaurants
  • Roofing Contractors

These summary reports can be purchased individually or are included with subscription to the mobile module of LSA Insights. Discounted pricing is available for LSA members.

LSA Insights is an indispensable tool for those currently using or seeking to utilize location-based marketing and media.  In addition to mobile, LSA Insights offers campaign data for paid search, online directories and print directories, with social and video coming in the near future.

If you are interested in learning more about LSA Insights, check out the quick demo below, visit or contact LSA’s Director of Research Jason Peaslee at (248) 244-6206.

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