Ep. 12 Explores TikTok Sounds and Orwellian Analogies

In Episode 12 of  Localogy’s “This Week in Local” we explore new measures from TikTok, like Sounds,  to make it easier for creators, including small businesses, to build compelling TikToks.

The Sound of TikToks

TikTok did so specifically by introducing a new sound library that makes it much easier to add sound effects, music, voiceovers, and more. Mike sees this as part of TikTok’s broader efforts to make TikToking easier for small business creators. Mike also took the opportunity on this episode to announce a new feature on Localogy Insider, Localogy’s online news publication.

The new series TikTok SMB Showdown will regularly feature TikToks created by small businesses to showcase SMBs using the platform effectively to build their businesses. We also made note of the fact that TikTok will be present at the upcoming L23 conference in Coronado, CA.

More Techno-utopia

Charles then brought up the emergence of decentralized social networks. This is a trend popular with web3 enthusiasts and free-speech absolutists. The analysts doubt that these platforms, led by Nostr, Mastodon, and others, will have the legs to take on Meta, Twitter, Snap, etc.

Mike even offered up a comparison to George Orwell’s Animal Farm to describe the potential downside of the techno-utopian ethos behind movements like web3 and decentralized social media.

We learned of another significant development in decentralized social media after recording the episode. We wish we could have referenced it in the episode. Twitter co-founder and former CEO Jack Dorsey is backing Bluesky, a new decentralized social app that is now in closed beta in the IOS app store.

According to Engadget, Bluesky began as a project backed by Twitter. Now it is shaping up as a potential Twitter competitor. Frequent Dorsey critic ProfG (Scott Galloway) made an important if obvious point on the most recent Pivot podcast (with Kara Swisher). How is it possible that Dorsey was allowed to leave Twitter without agreeing to not start a competing product? Apparently, this didn’t come up in Dorsey’s exit interview.

This Week in Local is Localogy’s weekly podcast featuring brief but engaging conversations about events in the local digital ecosystem that Localogy serves. Please subscribe to ThisWeekInLocal on Apple Podcasts, Google PodcastsSpotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Please also take a moment to give the podcast a rating and a review. Your engagement helps more people discover This Week in Local.

Episode 12 of the podcast is sponsored by Localogy’s L23 Conference, April 17-19 in Coronado Bay, California. Visit Localogy.com to learn more. If your organization would like to sponsor an upcoming episode of this podcast, please send a note Charles@Localogy.com. Also, please write to us if you have a guest recommendation for an upcoming episode.

You can also find this episode of the podcast (and all others) on Localogy’s YouTube channel. Please follow this channel if you prefer getting this podcast on YouTube.

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