Author Archive

Does the World Need a B2B Super App?

In other parts of the world, most notably Asia, super apps are a part of the fabric of everyday life. For instance, you can’t really

Sara Oberst on how 3D is transforming retail

Ep. 18 Examines 3D’s Impact on Retail

Real-time 3D is replacing mobile as the main environment for delivering transformative immersive experiences for retail brands. So believes Sara Oberst, Global Head of ATM

L23: Growing with TikTok

TikTok has become a powerful channel for small businesses to build and engage with an audience. This afternoon at L23, TikTok’s Melanie Rhodes offered a

L23: Applying the Art of Social

How do brands win with social media? A panel featuring Brand Muscle, Matchcraft, and Soci this afternoon at L23 offered some nuggets of wisdom on this

L23: Where Private Equity Gets It Right

Today at L23 a diverse panel assembled to share their experiences as leaders at companies that were acquired by private equity firms. These stories stood

L23: Meet the New SMB

This morning we kicked off L23 with a panel discussion featuring leaders from two brands closely associated with the pulse of local and small businesses

MatchCraft Offers a View on Q1 PPC Trends

The ad tech platform MatchCraft has released its Q1 pay-per-click trends report, revealing which categories cost the most to advertise (in Q1 2023 at least),

How Is AI Changing Online Meetings?

In recent months we’ve seen endless articles, LinkedIn posts, and Twitter threads, exploring how AI will change everything. From search to sales to content creation

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