LSA Members in the News: Dex Media, ReachLocal, Beyond Private Label, DAC Group, DialogTech

Here is a roundup of news summaries featuring news or announcements related to LSA members. If you’re an LSA member and want to be featured in coming editions of this post, email us with a link to your news. If you’re not a member, click here to learn more about LSA Membership.

Big Changes Underway at Dex Media (March 12, 2015)
LSA Insider: “During this morning’s earnings call, CEO Joe Walsh and CFO Paul Rouse outlined some bold initiatives at Dex Media that are set to transform the company on both the revenue and expense sides of the ledger. Several of the revenue initiatives focused on improvements to their owned and operated products – things like product simplification, more readable type in directories, improved print directory packaging, sales recruiting and training improvements and a redesign of their IYP offerings. In regards to expenses, Dex plans to streamline its customer interaction processes, expand telephone sales and shed physical sales offices.”

ReachLocal CEO: Digital Ad Industry Has a ‘Very Poor Reputation’ Among Small Businesses (March 12, 2015)
Street Fight: “. . . Turnarounds take time — and no one is more aware of the challenges than Sharon Rowlands, the turnaround expert who took the helm at ReachLocal almost a year ago. The former Thomson Financial CEO has set her sights on combating a massive churn problem, which she says stemmed from an aggressive sales culture within the company and throughout the small business marketing industry as a whole. In an interview with Street Fight, Rowlands talks about why she thinks ReachLocal is not the only company in the small business marketing industry with brand problem.”

Beyond Private Label Wants to Help Get Your SMB Clients Online (March 11, 2015)
LSA Insider: “Beyond Private Label (BPL) is an internal, private-label provider of custom websites, mobile websites, and other digital products. By integrating with client operations, BPL helps yield major cost savings while creating immediate, ongoing, and significant bottom line profits for clients. The company’s digital products are what 100% of small businesses need to succeed and these products are ‘sticky,’ meaning that once the small business gets them, they are dependent on them for the life of the their business. BPL’s ‘one more person than we need’ service standards have enabled various partners to attract new customers while extending and solidifying existing relationships with SMBs.”

DAC Group Named One of Canada’s Top 100 SMEs (March 10, 2015)
Press Release: “DAC Group is proud to announce it has been named one of Canada’s Top Small & Medium Employers for 2015 by Mediacorp Canada Inc., The award acknowledges the digital agency’s commitment to creating and maintaining an exceptional workplace. ‘Being recognized as a Top 100 couldn’t have happened at a better time for us,’ expressed, Norm Hagarty, CEO and Managing Partner, DAC Group. ‘We’re growing, which means we’re hiring. And, this award communicates the perks and programs DAC offers while highlighting our amazing culture, career options and day to day environment to the geeks with personalities that we’re looking for.’”

Ifbyphone rebrands as DialogTech, emphasizing voice-call options (March 2, 2015)
Press Release: “There’s a reason Chicago-based Ifbyphone opted to widen its brand beyond telephones. In a Monday morning call, CEO Irv Shapiro wasn’t using one. Using Web Real-Time Communication, or WebRTC, Shapiro said Monday the 10-year-old call analytics and automation solution provider has rebranded as DialogTech to better describe the voice conversations it facilitates — whether those are by telephone, on other devices or through mobile communications such as Skype. The company makes software that lets companies manage and track sales and service calls.”

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