Webinar: Consumers are Texting Business Landlines so Let Them

A little known fact is that consumers are actually texting landlines and 800 numbers but businesses wouldn’t know that because these phone numbers don’t accept SMS messages. According to last week’s webinar, that is where AdsLocal can help.

During the webinar, AdsLocal CEO Tony Philipp discussed how texting is changing B2C marketing in a major way. From the overall preference for texting over calling, to the real-time nature of communicating via text, Tony gave a glimpse into just how valuable texting can be.

In addition to some real, category specific insights and a discussion on the AdsLocal solution, here are some interesting stats Tony shared during the webinar:

  • In 2012 texting surpassed mobile phone usage 3 to 1;
  • Texting has generated $585 billion for operators world-wide – projected $1 trillion by 2018;
  • The average delivery time for SMS messages is under 7 seconds;
  • 90% of text messages are read within 3 minutes of being sent;
  • 91% of business consumers prefer to receive a text over VM;
  • SMS Marketing coupons are 10x more likely to be redeemed and shared than mail or newspaper coupons;
  • 81% of cellphone users send and receive text messages;
  • 95% of people who use text regularly already interact with companies using text messaging;
  • 1 in 3 texters would rather text than talk;
  • 67% of cell owners find themselves checking their phone for messages, alerts or calls – even when they don’t notice their phone ringing or vibrating.

Check out the entire presentation below:

For access to all of our past webinars and a look at what’s to come, visit https://bit.ly/LSAwebinars.

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