LA Times, Toyota, Advance Auto Parts, Square Join Growing LSA|15 Speaker List

Back in February we shared a preliminary list of speakers for the 2015 LSA Conference April 20-22 in LA. Since then we have added over 30 exciting speakers. Most recently, LA Times, Toyota, Square and Advance Auto have been added to the agenda that now features 45 speakers and counting.

From LA Times, Earl Baer, director digital media sales, will join a panel of sales experts during the Sales and Retention workshop taking place on Monday, April 20.  Earl will be presenting and participating in a discussion titled “Sales 2.0: Best Practices.”

Reps from Toyota, Advance Auto Parts and another big brand will participate in a panel session titled, “The Brand Perspective Or How I learned to Embrace Chaos.” During the session, these advertisers will discuss the challenges of managing location data, search, mobile and other channels in a fragmented and chaotic media universe.

We often hear about the challenges SMBs face with digital and there are plenty of surveys to back this up, but at the national level a different, equally difficult set of problems are faced. How do these brands measure success? Are they in a stronger or weaker position than the independent local business? We will find out.

In regards to Square, the company has been evolving its SMB offerings as of late making them a timely pickup for our agenda. Equally as timely is the mobile scheduling, booking and payments discussions. These technologies are changing the way consumers interact with local businesses and smartphone adoption and apps are bringing these services into mainstream usage.

Square will join MasterCard and Pingup on panel session titled, “How Mobile Commerce Will Change Local.” With data and specific examples, this session will explore how mobile-centric booking and payments are likely to affect consumers and impact digital marketing services in the next three to five years.

Those are just some of the highlights from the latest updates to the LSA|15 agenda and you can check out all of the confirmed speakers here.   Also, don’t forget about our SMB Digital Boot Camp planned for April 19. There are just 30 seats available for non-SMB attendees.

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