WebPunch Uses Automation to Facilitate Customer Reviews

WebPunch is a full-service online reputation management company that specializes in improving a company’s visibility and online credibility. The company creates “sophisticated solutions” intended to facilitate the creation of positive, authentic customer reviews on behalf of client businesses.

We caught up with Matt Jones, COO at WebPunch, to learn more:

What local problem(s) does WebPunch solve?
WebPunch’s bread and butter comes from getting businesses in front of potential consumers who are looking for goods and services in their area.  Once we have the company listing in front on the client, we demonstrate to the consumer the outstanding reputation of that company.  We call this our 1-2 punch combo that helps knockout the competition and makes our clients the obvious choice over their competitors.

What makes WebPunch innovative?
We have a suite of proprietary software that automates the process of review generation, review monitoring, gaining customer feedback and responding to reviews.  All our results are easily trackable and simple to understand.

How does WebPunch make the local space better for advertisers and/or consumers?
We create the most visibility for a company wanting to reach consumers in the local space.  WebPunch also helps companies present their proverbial best foot forward to prospective clients.

What is next for WebPunch?
Our latest software suite offers greater transparency so that our clients can see exactly how we are positively impacting their local SEO results.

For more info check out the graphic below or visit https://webpunch12.com. You can contact Matt directly at matt@webpunch12.com or call 303-229-0051.


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