
Day 1 - Monday - September 14, 2020

11:00 am ET
Cities Undergoing Transformation
Cities were already in a state of transformation, from Smart Cities to revitalization of neglected areas. What impact has COVID-19 had on the urbanization, redevelopment, and how people live in cities and the acceleration of Smart Cities?

Nathan Elliott, Frontrunner Technologies
Jack Illes, Hollywood Redevelopment Group
Genevieve Morrill, West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce

11:35 am ET
How Will Radio Continue to Change
Share of “ear” or share of listening is the new metric for what used to be the world of radio. As new formats and distribution approaches fill our ears with a vast array of options and modalities, how does a traditional radio company transform itself, its audience, and its operations to adjust to the new realities and dimensions of listenership?

Eric Hadley, iHeartMedia

12:00 pm ET
Break – Exhibit Hall and Networking

12:20 pm ET
Top Line Impact of 5G Rollout

For nearly a decade before the launch of the iPhone, mobile was the hottest thing that never really took hold. Then the iPhone appeared and all the predictions began to be realized. Mobile ushered in the app economy. Now pundits and analysts are getting lathered up over the impact of 5G. Will it take a decade like it did the last time for the benefits and opportunities of 5G to be realized or will we see substantive changes as soon as the mid-decade? How will 5G impact the world of local …now and into the future

Jake Moskowitz, Ericsson Emodo Institute

12:55 pm ET
eTail Triggers Retail Transformation
Six months ago, eCommerce was on an expected linear trajectory of growth. That curve has been disrupted. Even before COVID-19, retail was undergoing restructuring. With the explosion of eCommerce and the implications of COVID-19, the size, scale, configuration, and experience of retail will be radically altered.

Naveen Jaggi, JLL
Ken Madsen, Mad Creative Production

1:30 pm ET
Shifting Innovation Hubs
How has COVID-19 reshaped the innovation landscape? Will the traditional hubs of innovation lose out to areas of the country that offer more affordable living? Will WFH trends alter the power centers for innovation and if so, where will the new hubs locate?

Micheal Yang, Omers Ventures

2:05 pm ET
Lunch – Exhibit Hall and Networking

3:00 pm ET
Eating Out Meets Curbside Delivery Meets Delivery
Every report over the last six months points to a radical change in the restaurant landscape. Some studies indicate that the highest end and the lowest end of the spectrum will do fine and the middle sector of restaurants will fail? From eating inside to curbside pick-up to delivery there are tectonic shifts underway in the composition and structure of the restaurant industry. Can the learnings for retail transformation help power the needs of restaurants going forward? Delivery apps, ordering ahead and shared kitchens were already on the rise. With physical distancing in place and consumers eating more at home, what will the long-term impacts for restaurants be.

Jon Sewell, Chomp
Peter Curzon, YELP
Carl Orsbourn, Deliver the Dish

3:45 pm ET
CRM – Now a Must Have, Must Use Solution
If you ran a survey and asked local, small businesses if they had wished they had better customer data – more accurate emails and mobile numbers – before the onset of COVID-19, the majority would say “yes’. COVID-19 exposed the deficiencies in customer information. And with the changes in consumer habits it is more important than ever for businesses to understand their customers. Will CRM finally really be used to help businesses build long term relationships with their customers and connect with them the way they want

Adi Engel, vCita
George Bilbrey, SignPost
Paul Donlan, Wix

4:20 pm
Break – Exhibit Hall and Networking

4:40 pm ET
The Golden Ticket: Customer Intent
With the increasing influence of Millennial and Gen Z, today’s digital world is vastly different than years gone by, especially when it comes to search. We’ll discuss the importance of customer intent, as well as the best ways to capture their attention before they bounce from your site. But it’s not just about keeping them on your domain longer; by answering their intent-based questions with contextual and official answers you can increase engagement, drive more transactions, and build customer loyalty.

Duane Forester, YEXT

5:15 pm ET
Product Management 2020
SaaS companies are under constant pressure. Some to improve unit economics, and thus they focus on retention and LTV. Others to scale quickly, and in response, they drive sales to its limits. Still, others to chase the latest flashy product innovation, and as a result, they put the CTO in charge of product. The top SaaS companies are building products and features that solve real customer needs … but how do you accomplish that with COVID-19 customer and developer interaction challenges?

Ryan Cantor, Thryv

7:00 pm ET
End of Day

Day 2 - Tuesday - September 15, 2020

11:00 am ET
Reimagining the “In Home Services” Experience

Like all aspects of local commerce, the “in home services” customer experience has been altered. Does COVID-19 force home service providers to re-vamp their practices or will they fall back on old bad habits of delayed response, lack of transparency and no sense of urgency? Will the economic contraction force the exit of baby boomer providers and usher in a new wave of digital savvy home service providers?

Craig Smith, HomeAdvisor

11:35 am ET 
Modernizing Multi-Location Marketing
Most brands still generate the majority of their revenue from in-store, physical sales. But how do you localize a national marketing strategy to drive customers into your locations post pandemic? During this session you will learn about the strategy that has led to 3X sales growth for businesses, and which processes and tools your multi-location business should hone in on to achieve localized marketing success.

Monico Ho, SOCi
Christian Betancourt, Self Esteem Brands

12:15 pm ET
Break – Exhibit Hall and Networking

12:35 pm ET
Store Attribution Marches On

It seems like just yesterday knowing “foot traffic” attribution was among the most important metrics for the retail industry. Now that may be old news and there are new attribution models that have to be considered in the context of COVID-19 and the massive transformation retail is undergoing. What are the new best attribution metrics and how will they affect advertising and media choices?

David Shim, Foursquare

1:05 pm ET
Privacy in a High Speed World
As data speeds accelerate, so will the privacy challenges associated with faster and faster knowledge networks. What steps will governments put in place to assure consumers their privacy concerns will prevail over potential abuses and how will content and data providers navigate the public policy wickets that are sure to mount as speeds increase and latency times evaporate?

Michael Signorelli, Venable
James Ward, Ward PLLC

1:40 pm ET
Out of Home – Finally a Seat at the Table?
Out of home was the only traditional media that was growing pre-COVID; then we told everyone to stay home. Things have changed, but we are no longer shut down. Which platforms, operators and solutions will lift customer experiences to drive accelerated demand and growth?

Andy Sriubas, OUTFRONT Media

2:05 pm ET
Lunch – Exhibit Hall and Networking

3:00 pm ET
Technologies for SMBs in the Changing Physical World

With consumers radically shifting some of their shopping behaviors, what steps must local, small businesses take to acquire, engage and retain them. How will they leverage technology to meet the changing expectations and what skills will they need to run those technologies.

David Galvan, Mastercard

3:30 pm ET
The Intersection of Local & Social

Millennials & Gen Z have 1 trillion in spending power and Snapchat continues to emerge as a place where they are going to organically discover local businesses. Recent platform developments have been geared to help SMBs reach this engaged audience, and drive results to build and scale their business. We break it down with Snap’s head of global sales partnerships.

Alex Dao, Snap

4:00 pm ET
Break – Exhibit Hall and Networking

4:20 pm ET
Autonomous Automobiles

5G’s greatest impact might be on how we get from physical location point A to physical location B. With lightning speed an essential component of safe autonomous driving, how will the automobile software developers write code that keeps pace with the explosion of speed offered by 5G. Will a rush to autonomous driving and fast adoption actually choke the safe roll-out of the next wave of driverless experiences?

Mois Navon, Mobileye (an Intel Company)

4:55 pm ET
What Our Eyes and Ears are Experiencing
With cord-cutting accelerating, new streaming services launching almost daily, what do these changes in local “Listenership/Viewership” mean for media properties, buying entities and brand marketers? How can streaming services deliver precise ad targeting while maintaining viewers’ privacy preferences? How will the tensions between wanting targeted messages and privacy be resolved?

Rob Yarin, Cox Media Group
Brian Cordes, Xandr (a Warner Media Company)

7:00 pm ET
End of Event


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